Research Centre Ancient South Arabia and Northeast Africa
The research centre, currently located at the Faculty of Arts (Friedrich Schiller University Jena), serves as a platform for research projects in the field of ancient Yemen and ancient Northeast Africa. It also coordinates and implements cultural preservation measures in Yemen and Ethiopia in cooperation with the Orient Department of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI, Sanaa branch).
Preliminary Reports
Preliminary report on "A Fragment of a Monumental Inscription at Metera"
by Bruce Dahlgren (13 January 2025)
Preliminary report on the finding context of an Ethio-Sabaean inscription fragment from Melazo, Tigray
by Amanuel Abrha, Addigrat University and Wolbert G.C. Smidt (30 December 2024)
Preliminary report on the archaeological survey carried out in Debreqal, Central Tigray, Ethiopia
by Amanuel Abrha, Addigrat University
(17 February 2024)
Latest publications
A. Multhoff/P. Stein, Dem Gewaltigen! Der sabäische Hymnus ZI 11, in: : N. P. Heeßel/V. Tsukanova/M. Waltisberg (Hg.), Der Perlentaucher (FS St. Weninger), Wiesbaden 2024, 247-268
N. Nebes, Noch einmal zum sabäischen Götternamen ʾAlmaqah, in: N. P. Heeßel/V. Tsukanova/M. Waltisberg (Hg.), Der Perlentaucher (FS St. Weninger), Wiesbaden 2024, 269-280
W.G.C. Smidt, Ludolf und seine äthiopischen Lehrer in Europa: Der Gelehrte Abba Gorgoryos als Mitbegründer der Äthiopistik als wissenschaftliche Ethnographie, in: A. Ben-Tov/J. Loop/M. Mulsow (ed.), HiobLudolf and Johann Michael Wansleben. Oriental Studies, Politics, and History between Gotha and Africa, 1650-1700. Leiden 2024, 177-237
N. Nebes, A Hitherto Unattested Ethio-Sabaean King in a Woman’s Altar Dedication from Ṣ́ǝrḥan (Tǝgray/Ethiopia). Edition, Translation and Commentary, in: Aethiopica 26 (2023), 16-29
N. Nebes, Die Sabäer in Äthiopien und die Minäer in Nordwestarabien/Dedan. Zur Aussagekraft der epigraphischen Zeugnisse, in: N. Nebes/I. Gerlach (ed.), Migration und Kulturtransfer. Zur kulturellen Interaktion im Vorderen Orient und Nordostafrika im 2. und 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr., Wiesbaden 2023, 135-159
25 Sept 2024, 11 a.m. | Workshop on our current research (program)
04 July 2024, 11 a.m. | Guest lecture by Yohannes Gebreselassie on the topic: "Gädlä Kaleb: A New Document from the Island Monastery of Däbrä Ṣәyon, Tullu Guddoo, Lake Zway"
11 June - 11 July 2024 | Research visit of Mohammed Al-Hajj, PhD (University of Hail, Saudi Arabia)
During his research stay, which is funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation, Mohammed Al-Hajj is working on previously unpublished Sabaean and Minaean inscriptions from the 7th and 8th centuries BC from Wadi al-Jawf.
31 May 2024 | Digital atlas of Ethiopian cultural artefacts
(press release, FSU Jena) An international team is documenting more than 1,700 archaeological sites in the northern Ethiopian province of Tigray.
(Informationsdienst Wissenschaft, MDR)
since June 2023 | Research visit of Roey Schneider, PhD (Tel Aviv, Leipzig), Minerva research fellow